Remote sensing and GPS tracking reveal temporal shifts in habitat use in nonbreeding Black-tailed Godwits
by Taylor B,Theunis Piersma, Jos C. E. W. Hooijmeijer, Bing-Run Zhu, Malaika D'souza.Eoghan O'Reilly, Rienk w. Fokkema, Marie Stessens, Heinrich Belting, Christopher Marlow,jürgen Ludwigohannes Melter, josé A. Alves, Arturo Esteban-Pineda, jorge s. Gutiérrez, josé A. Masero.Afonso D, Rocha, Camilla Dreef, Ruth A. Howison ...
Journal:Applied Ecology Species(bat): Black-tailed Godwits Abstract: Knowledge of the habitat requirements for migratory species throughout their full annual cycle is necessary for comprehensive species protection plans. By describing seasonal shifts of space-use patterns in a key nonbreeding ar... -
Icelandic Whimbrel first migration: Non-stop until West Africa, yet later departure and slower travel than adults
by Camilo Carneiro, Tómas G. Gunnarsson, Triin Kaasiku, Theunis Piersma, José A. Alves
Journal:Volume166, Issue2,IBIS Avian Reproduction Special Issue,April 2024,Pages 715-722 Species(bat): Icelandic Whimbrel Abstract: Migratory behaviour in young individuals is probably developed by using a complex suite of resources, from molecular information to social learning. Comparing ... -
It takes two to Tango: Plant height and nutrient level determine the diet selection of wintering geese in Poyang Lake, a Ramsar wetland
by Wang Chenxi,Xia Shaoxi , Yu Xiubo , Wen Li
Journal: Global Ecology and Conservation,Volume 49, January 2024, e02802 Species: the Greater White-fronted Goose and Bean Goose Abstract: In Poyang Lake, the largest and one of the most important wintering sites in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, Carex (Carex cinerascens Kük) meadows provi... -
Multi-Scale Habitat Selection by the Wintering Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus) in Manas National Wetland Park, Northwestern China
by By Han Yan ,Xuejun Ma ,Weikang Yang, andFeng Xu
Species(bat): whooper swans Abstract: Habitat selection has been a central focus of animal ecology, with research primarily concentrating on habitat choice, utilization, and evaluation. However, studies confined to a single scale often fail to reveal the habitat selection needs of animals fully a... -
Behavioral plasticity of raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) provides new insights for urban wildlife management in metropolis Shanghai, China
by Yihan Wang1, Qianqian Zhao1, Lishan Tang2, Weiming Lin1, Zhuojin Zhang3, Yixin Diao1, Yue Weng1, Bojian Gu1, Yidi Feng4, Qing Zhao
Species(bat): raccoon dogs Abstract: As urbanization exposes wildlife to new challenging conditions and environmental pressures, species that exhibit a high degree of behavioral plasticity are considered potentially capable of colonizing and adapting to urban environments. However, differences in... -
Subadult movements contribute to population level migratory connectivity
by Yingjun Wang , Zhengwu Pan , Yali Si , Lijia Wen , Yumin Guo
Journal: Animal BehaviourVolume 215, September 2024, Pages 143-152 Species(bat): black-necked cranes Abstract: Migratory connectivity describes the degree to which migratory populations are mixed across space and time. Unlike adults, subadult birds often exhibit distinct migratory patterns and c... -
Linking changes in individual specialization and population niche of space use across seasons in the great evening bat (Ia io)
by Zhiqiang Wang, Lixin Gong, Zhenglanyi Huang, Yang Geng, Wenjun Zhang, Man Si, Hui Wu, Jiang Feng & Tinglei Jiang
Journal: Movement Ecology volume 11, Article number: 32 (2023) Species(bat): The great evening bat (Ia io) Abstract: Background The niche breadth of an animal population comprises both within-individual and between-individual variation (individual specialization). Both components can be used to e... -
Identification of annual routines and critical stopover sites of a breeding shorebird in the Yellow Sea, China.
by Yang Wu, Weipan Lei, Bingrun Zhu, Jiaqi Xue, Yuanxiang Miao, Zhengwang Zhang
Species(Avian): Pied Avocets (Recurvirostra avosetta) Journal: Avian Research Abstract: Pied Avocets (Recurvirostra avosetta) are common migratory shorebirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. From 2019 to 2021, GPS/GSM transmitters were used to track 40 Pied Avocets nesting in northern Bo... -
Identifying seasonal differences in migration characteristics of Oriental white stork (Ciconia boyciana) through satellite tracking and remote sensing.
by Jinya Li, Fawen Qian, Yang Zhang, Lina Zhao, Wanquan Deng, Keming Ma
Species(Avian): Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana) Journal: Ecological Indicators Abstract: Migratory species interact with different ecosystems in different regions during migration, making them more environmentally sensitive and therefore more vulnerable to extinction. Long migration routes a... -
Migration routes of the endangered Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana) from Xingkai Lake, China, and their repeatability as revealed by GPS tracking.
by Zeyu Yang, Lixia Chen, Ru Jia, Hongying Xu, Yihua Wang, Xuelei Wei, Dongping Liu, Huajin Liu, Yulin Liu, Peiyu Yang, Guogang Zhang
Species(Avian): Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana) Journal: Avian Research Abstract: Abstract The Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana) is listed as ‘Endangered’ on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species and is classified as a first category nation... -
A multiscale approach to identifying spatiotemporal pattern of habitat selection for red-crowned cranes.
by Wang, G., Wang, C., Guo, Z., Dai, L., Wu, Y., Liu, H., Li, Y., Chen, H., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y. and Cheng, H.
Journal: Science of The Total Environment, p.139980. Species(Avian): Red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis) Abstract: Effective conservation measures largely depend on knowledge of habitat selection of target species. Little is known about the scale characteristics and temporal rhythm of habitat se... -
Impact of Allee effects on the establishment of reintroduction populations of endangered species: The case of the Crested Ibis.
by Min Li, Rong Dong, Yilamujiang Tuohetahong, Xia Li, Hu Zhang, Xinping Ye, Xiaoping Yu
Species(Avian): Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) Journal: Global Ecology and Conservation Abstract: Allee effects, defined as the positive relationships between component fitness and population density (or size), play an important role in the dynamics of small or lowdensity populations. Reintroduct...